Thursday, March 10, 2016

Lunch With the Ladies

Tiffany's house this week
Christine's house last week
Sarah's, March 14, 2016
Michelle's March 22. I'm adding pics later.

I have to document some of these tables.  Having lunch with my shelter friends every week is the best thing I could do for my sanity and energy level.  Just the beauty of a table set for a special event lifts my spirits and makes me think about what else I could do to bring beauty into the life around me.  It's given me the desire to make some special mealtimes for my family, although that certainly doesn't happen on a daily basis.  The other benefit to lunch with friends is the sounding board it provides.  Women need other women.  How could they solve problems if they didn't have each other to bounce concerns off of?  It would be very difficult to parent in a vacuum, and I'm glad I don't have to.

1 comment:

michelle said...

Me too! One of our very best ideas ever! I would not have made it this far in the parenting adventure without my Shelter girls!