Friday, March 18, 2016

Playing Hooky

I find it impossible to get anything done after school.  I'm either teaching or driving kids to stuff, so sometimes I have to steal some time from the school day with these adorable faces.  Truly, I wish I had them around more often.  I don't like that the school has them for so many hours, and then they have to come home and do homework.  I need more time with my kids!  A couple weeks ago, Xanthe and Araceli needed new ballet shoes.  After they were outfitted (for $150), we got day-old cookies, across the street from the ballet store at the Bun Basket.

Reluctantly, I took them back to school after our morning off.  When I told Freestone what we had done, he said, "My tights have holes in them.  Why didn't you take me!?"  Looks like another sluff day is called for.  If only it weren't so expensive to hang out with these kids. Boy tights are 50 bucks!  But think how much we save by getting day-old pastries.


Unknown said...

That is so funny we just went and spent 200 on new soccer shoes and then got day old cookies at Parsons.

laurel said...

I love it! Days off are the best. My kids have Monday off. They didn't use all their snow days. I am so excited! You are the best mom ever.