Monday, March 27, 2017

Ballet, Orchestra, Ballet

Once in awhile, Freestone does something other than dance. Last Tuesday he had a festival with his junior high orchestra. I got him out of his ballet class at Clytie's ten minutes early to get there on time, and pleaded with Mrs. Tuke, the orchestra teacher, to let him go a little early so he could get to Little Mermaid rehearsals. He changed in the car and shoved a snack into his dance bag. Why does all the sustenance I provide for my kids come on brown bags?

Our carefully choreographed plan was off by one minute. He didn't quite make it outside before his Ballet West carpool had to leave him, so I had to leave a violin lesson ten minutes early (sorry, Greta!) to rush him to rehearsal and zoom back to Kaysville for Ruby's variation night. Fortunately, Capitol Theater is just a straight shot on the freeway, not to many traffic lights. Freestone hates rushing, and the maniac I become when we are. I've learned to stay much more calm, thanks to Freestone. He'll say, "Mom, chiiiiiiill." It's a reversal of our dynamic when he was a baby. With Freestone, I found that I could calm his fussing by holding him against my chest, taking a deep breath, exhaling and relaxing my body. He would take the cue and settle right down. He's got zen in his soul. It's a beautiful thing, unless you're in a hurry.

I think if you could look into Freestone's heart, you would see a calm ocean of loving-kindness. He really is the nicest kid. He offhandedly tells me about nice things he's done, and I look at him in amazement. What 13 year old kid is so thoughtful? His reaction is, "Duh." Of course he treats people with the utmost care. I'll have to remember to act like that next time we're in a hurry. :)

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