Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Ptolemy the Artist

Ptolemy is a relentless little artist. He's always looking for a pencil and paper, or anything he can turn into a work of art. I always leave an after-school snack on the corner of the counter, in case I'm not home, so the kids don't create full-blown meals and messes. I also leave a pile of art supplies, usually what we've done in my preschool class or some everyday items or just crayons and paper and a box of glue sticks.

Ptolemy doesn't need any encouragement to turn an egg carton or a pile of string into a palm tree or a diorama. Coco gave him a book of paper airplanes and now we have a hangar and dozens of Dreamliners that I like to think are on their way to tropical destinations.

He forgets to put his shoes on in the time it takes to get from the kitchen to the front door, and he forgets to bring his homework home, but he never forgets the humming in his head that drives him to create. I love to see those artistic wheels turning. I hope he continues to do fabulous things with his artistic mind, although I don't know if he can to the blow dried baby cat! ;)

1 comment:

Catherine said...

Love to see children's creativity! find places for all they create! OYE!!!