Sunday, May 12, 2013

Motherhood Shmotherhood

Mothers Day, blah blah blah.  Ptolemy just hit a woman at church who was trying to help him with the drinking fountain, so I'm not feelin' it right now.  And this is after I led the Primary children in singing the prelude music, during which all four of my own kids stood there, mute and glum, while Tziporah pretended to take pictures of them with my phone, holding it up from the front row and shouting, "Cheeeee!"

So now I'm home with Ptolemy the felon, where Tziporah has just managed to open the Dirt Devil and is eating the garbage out of it.  So, to everyone who asks me, "How do you do it all?"...Are you freakin' kidding me?


Ernstfamilyfun said...

LOL- love her hair!

Ernstfamilyfun said...

LOL I feel your pain

Michelle said...

And that is why we love you! You are honest! Besides Mother's Day is one of the world's worst parodoxes. Either it is wonderful and you feel apprecitated and loved or it is a bust and you feel like a failure. I'm hoping this one makes a comeback for you!

Jennie said...

Her piggies kill me every time I see them. So cute!

Cricket said...

You kill me. I cannot believe how do it. I love that at those moments where I would go cry in the shower you find a smile. Tizzy is so cute!

When I came to pick up Lily the other day I noticed you look just the same as you did in school. Happy smile!

jenn said...

I love this, it makes me feel more human!

laurel said...

Got to love it.

Jennifer said...

I missed the singing because I was home defusing a 5-year-old's tantrums that all the kids would make fun of the band-aid on his face -- but Jeff make it to church and was serenaded!