Wednesday, May 1, 2013


On our last day before the zoo pass expired, we fit in one more trip.  It may have been because we wandered the zoo so many times over the winter when nobody else was there, but Ptolemy had zero interest in the animals, crowded as they were with other kids.  If you saw my pics on Instagram, you know what Ptolemy was into at the zoo...
Cheese bus!  See it?  Right behind those big, grey things with the trunks?
As per a quote on the wall at the largely ignored polar bear exhibit, "If there is magic on this planet, it is contained in water."
A hand dryer!  Oh, and we saw a Siberian tiger.
Tizzy is confused.  Why are all these kids on my statue?
Darn, I didn't upload the funny picture I put on Instagram of Ptolemy going nuts over the scrub brush.  I mean, how often do you get to see a guy cleaning the tank!?
At the end, Ptolemy pouted, "We didn't get to see the giraffes!"  Scott had told him to say hi to the giraffes for him.  Oh well.  At least we saw a drinking fountain, a hand dryer and a scrub brush.
'Til next time, after the summer crowds have gone home.  Whether we're at the zoo or in a loading zone, Ptolemy and Tziporah are thrilled to be there.  After all, they are the ones who almost didn't make it!  They have every reason to be thrilled to be here!  And we're thrilled to have 'em.  They help me see the zoo in a whole new light.  I never noticed the fascinating gum stuck to the road before!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So cute and so on! It is not always the animals that excite the children about the zoo, isn't that funny what they find to interest them! I love the Salt Lake Zoo and we miss being so close to it. Alex and Lincoln loved the bronze animals the bronze turtle still there? I love it that you go to the zop even in the winter..xo Tricia