Monday, May 13, 2013

Scott Dopp!

You wouldn't have known it from my post yesterday, but I actually did have a wonderful Mothers Day.  It's not my favorite holiday, probably because of all of my over-analyzing regarding motherhood.  Am I worth of all this adoration?  Why do I still have to do dishes on Mothers Day?  Is breakfast in bed more about me or the kids?  What about all the women who don't have children, especially those who desperately want them?  Why did I eat all the chocolate-covered pecans I bought for my mom?  I'm a bad daughter.   It's just an intense day.

All that aside, Scott, unencumbered by the thought process, as the guys would say on Car Talk,  went ahead and lavished me with all the perfect gifts.  Maybe the reason he's so good at thinking up the best gifts to give is that his brain isn't filled with charts and graphs of complex emotional issues and all their potential outcomes and repercussions.  He has a lot more clarity.  His brain works like this:  "Circe likes chocolate-covered nuts.  I will buy some."  My brain works like this:  "Scott likes electronics.  But I don't know what to buy.  I could ask someone, but then how would I find a good deal on it?  And what if I give it to Scott and he could have found it cheaper somewhere else?  It might be the wrong brand, and what color?  He likes green, but maybe just for golf courses.  He likes pink, but maybe just for dress shirts.  He likes orange, but maybe just for socks, and only if they have blue and green stripes on them.  I could just give him money, except he already has some.  Clothes?  Where do you buy those?  What size?  Too expensive!  And he has so many.  I'll invite him out to dinner.  But we were going to do that anyway.  I'll give him a card.  Lame!  A book.  No, he has a Kindle..."

In short, Scott is a winner and I'm a loser.  It's really not fair for me to brag about Scott.  It's insensitive to everyone who's not married to him, which should be all of you, unless everything I'm saying turns out to be a big lie.  But hey, I worked hard to trick him into marrying me, so I guess I can brag about him.  And thank him, too.  Scott, thanks for the blog book (!!!), candle, almonds, flowers, soap, phone cover, phone, dinner, and the seven children.  Thanks for turning my flaws into positives, saying I'm thin, hating all the right people, reigning me in, giving me my freedom, laughing at my delusions of grandeur, sending me off on trips with no hesitation, and most importantly, being a father.  A good one.  The best.

Hanging out with you these past few decades has allowed me to become exactly who I always wanted to be, but better.  I really hit the jackpot.  Hey, do you want a trip to Singapore for Fathers Day?  If so, what color?  Oh, never mind.


Jennie said...

I'm so impressed with the blog book and all the other thoughtful gifts. He's a gem - as long as he isn't making fun of me. :)

Jennifer said...

You ARE worth all this adoration. I'm so glad Scott gets that. He compiled a blog book for you? Wow!

Michelle said...

LOVE this post! I am the same way, guess that is why we are friends. Excited for you about the phone, I know you were hating that sub you had. You must bring the blog book to lunch! Don't forget!

Michelle said...

Oh and I agree with Jennie, unless he is making fun of me either!

Ryan said...

... All that and he even tells you what you can and can't talk about. That Dude makes all us other Dudes just look bad... You would think I could tell Jen what she could say with all the free time she has... Teeheehee...