Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Fictional Satire for Fun

Oh. My. Gosh.  I have totally been meaning to blog about how awesome my mom is, since, like, it was Mothers Day and everything.  It's just that I got so busy!  Saturday night, I completely spaced it, I was got so caught up in eating all the macadamia nuts I originally bought for my mom in Hawaii.  Have you tried those?  They're so good!  My mom loves them.  I'll totally have to get some for her next time I'm on Maui.

Sunday, I didn't have time because I had to go to my mom's house so she could give me presents for Mothers Day.  Exhausting!  It's so hard being a mom.  It just helps when my mom tells me what a great job I'm doing, and gives me gifts, too.  I for sure should have said something to her about how great she is, too, or at least told her about the macadamia nuts.  I'll have to text her.

Then today, I thought of mentioning it when my mom came over to watch my kids, but then I might have been late for my mani-pedi.  And when I got home, I was about to say thanks to my mom for all the stuff she does for me, but she had the house so clean, I just had to take a picture and Instagram it. (Totally lied and said I cleaned all day. Lol.)  By the time I was done kicking my feet up, drinking a Diet Coke in my nice, quiet house, my mom was gone, and so were my kids.

I seriously might have to remember to thank her when I text her to send the little darlings home, either tonight or definitely tomorrow.  I know she has that bad cold and everything, so I shouldn't let her babysit for too long.  Seriously, if she doesn't get better, who is going to drive my girls to tiny tot cheer when I'm out to dinner with my girlfriends?  I hate colds.  So inconvenient!  I tell my mom to take it easy, but she completely ran herself ragged with the kids while we were in Hawaii.  So in a way, it's her own fault.

You know what?  I think I'll just have my dad give Mom the message when he swings by to bring us the orange juice and kale I ordered.  (Don't want to get that nasty cold!)  Better yet, here, I'll just put it on the blog:

Mom, ur the best.  Thx!!

Phew, glad that's done.  I'm, like, so busy!  Gratitude:  Check!  Lol.  I think the large text is a nice touch.  One more thing off the list before I go meet with my personal trainer.  It's not like I can afford to be all flabby when we're on our cruise next week.  Dang, I hope my mom gets better before we leave.  If she gives my kids her cold, it's going to be, like, so stressful leaving them.   At least I know my mom can deal with it.  I mean, she raised me and I turned out pretty darn amazing.


Jennie said...

All kidding aside, you mom is wonderful. A lot of people may not like living THAT close to their mother. However, I think you guys have a great balance.

Jennifer said...

Phew! You're so sly with the satire anyway that I almost wondered if your title declaration was a "Princess Bride" poison switcheroo meant to throw us off. Like, is the post the satire or the title the satire? 'Cause, you know, Hawaii could have totally hapened last week. Now, get that tiny tot cheerleader her mani-pedi. For reals.

Michelle said...
