Friday, May 3, 2013

The Tizmanian Devil

Oh, this baby is so funny!  She is 0% fear and 100% curiosity.  That makes a recipe for craziness!  For a few days, Tizzy worked very hard on her new skill of going out the front door, around the house and up the back stairs, sauntering in the house with her pot belly, as if to say, "Yeah.  I was outside.  Whatcha gonna do about it?" 

After she mastered the lap around the house, she moved on to a new skill:  leaving out the back door, down the stairs and out to the swingset.  Whenever the back door was unlocked, Tizzy would get a big adrenaline rush, start hurrying her little patootie off, quickly glancing behind her to see if she was going to get caught.  She sure hates it when she gets caught!

The new skill is climbing up on a chair, then the table, and stomping her little feet in a victory dance.  Yesterday, we taped her doing this a few times.  The last time, she had already ruined a vase full of flowers and climbed up again to survey the damage.

Whereas this would have had me pulling out my hair if it had been baby Golda, now it makes me gleefully happy.  It's unbearably cute when this tubby little thing does her table-climbing routine.  She is so determined, and so proud of herself.  Besides, next time I turn around, she will be past all this tabletop nonsense, on to the next big thing.  Each stage is so fleeting, so brief!  Tziporah will always be heartbreakingly adorable, but how much longer will she want to get up on the table?  How much longer will I be able to scoop her up and inhale her heavenly scent?  How much longer will she have just the one tooth, the second on on the right on the top?  Already, the other reticent teeth are braving their way through. Soon, she'll have six, all at once! I am so grateful she is exactly who she is, in each crazy, precarious, delightful, precious, hair-raising, tooth-popping phase.  

Tizzy is in a hurry.  But I'm not.


SSWS said...

She is definitely full of determination and joy! Reminds me of her mom.

Ernstfamilyfun said...

We play the exact same game with Gabe at our house! Babies are soooo cute!

Anonymous said...

I'm sitting here at 5 am can't sleep[ and thought will watch Tzizzy!..What a hoot! She is so adorable and will definitely keep you guys hopping always..What a beautiful little spirit who will keep you young! She is adventurous, I agree, just like her mom and dad..and always can see that in her eyes. Thanks for sharing, she fits in with all the other beautiful children, each with their own beautiful personality. XO Trici

laurel said...

She is such a free spirit! And so full of joy, but did I ever think she could be anything else?

Catherine said...

LOL! What an absolute sweetie! I had to giggle at the dance of glee on the table!

I had...and still have a climber too so like you know it's all about teaching them to be safe. Your Tizzy knew exactly where she was on that table.

I wonder if Tizzy is going to buy you flowers for Mother's Day so that she has some new toys next week?