Friday, May 10, 2013


Aunt Tricia, always taking care of everyone

Ruby, Tziporah and I had such a fun time in Miami with Tricia!

My adorable little cousins, Alex and Lincoln.  They loooove "Grammy!"
My Aunt Tricia was in a car accident and shattered her foot!  My phone broke while I was gone, so I didn't even know about it until my cousin Sarah posted on Facebook, "I hate this hospital."  Turns out, what she was referring to was that her mom, fortunate to be alive, was going into surgery to reconstruct her heel!

The surgery went well, and now Tricia is lying in her hospital bed thinking, "What a mess."  It's one of those things that you weren't planning on spending time doing, recovering from a serious accident.  Tricia has a good friend, Jim, who lives right up the street from me.  When I told Xanthe about Tricia's accident, the first thing she said was, "Is Jim there?"  I told her no, and she said, "I wish Jim were there to take care of her."  I think he's planning on it.  The whole family loves Jim, and we're all so glad he's part of us.  I wish I could go to Miami, too, to make sure Tricia can get around, especially with Sarah and Roland, who have been taking care of her, leaving for a vacation in Spain soon.  Darnit, Tricia, why is Miami so far away?  Maybe you should recover here...

Tricia, I just wanted you to know we're all thinking of you and wishing we were there!  You're always right there when any of your family or friends need anything.  Even the dead ones, you're the one who makes sure there are flowers on their graves and they are not forgotten. :) You were the one who took all the kids to get Slurpees every day, all summer, when our grandpa died.  You never forget our birthdays, and you have the strength of character to laugh about it when the rest of us selfish louts forget to buy a cake for yours.  You're such a caregiver, and so selfless, and now we're all so far away, helpless to do anything for you.  Par for the course, huh?  It throws a family for a loop when the person who always gives needs help, and I'm sure it throws you for a loop, too.  I mean, when your purse was stolen, you kept saying how inconvenient it was not to be able to send Xanthe her birthday money.

So, take some time to think about yourself, break down, despair over the situation.  You're probably just thinking about how difficult it will be for you to serve others for awhile.  For you, that's a big deal. After a good cry, I know you'll be back a strong as ever.  When the doc told you you wouldn't even walk the same after this, I don't think she knew who she was talking to.  Plus, I'm sure she didn't know the truth:  That if you think you can't do it, Big Golda will set you straight!  There are no wimps in the King family, least of all you.  We all love you!

1 comment:

sws said...

how horrible!! That sounds so painful and frustrating. Tricia is amazing - and threw the best birthday parties. I still remember being lucky enough to be invited one year - talk about pulling all the stops! Please give her our best for a speedy recovery.