Friday, May 24, 2013

On the Boardwalk

When I was in sixth grade, there was a cute little girl with glasses and blonde, perfect hair who was funny and nice and friendly.  Not only was she someone we all wanted to be around, she also had a very cool mom.  At least she must have had a very cool mom, because she always had potato chips in her lunch!  Despite the fact that there was a potato chip factory right in our very town, those greasy, crispy little delicacies were strictly taboo at the King household.  So I can't honestly say whether it was Michelle's fun personality or the potato chips she willingly shared with me that cemented our friendship.  All I know is, I benefited from it in 6th grade, and I'm still reaping the benefits.

Namely, Shelter Lunch.  It's a little group of age-old friends who love to set a table and then spend a couple of hours sitting around it drinking Coke and sneaking Hershey's Kisses to the kids who wander by.  Each of us has our own strengths.  Michelle likes to say that together, we are the perfect woman.  I think that we are each, individually, the perfect women, too.  But here's an example of the synergy of a group of women.  Jen's daughter got a part in a play as Snow White.  She needed a Snow White costume of the fly.  Two days later, Michelle showed up at Shelter with a magnificent, handmade costume that she "just happened to have all the fabric for anyhow." 

Actually, I'm not sure if that's an example of synergy, or if it's just another way Michelle is an amazing friend.  Beware, if you're a 5th grader who is sharing your lunch with your friends, you're probably going to end up, 30 years later, organizing their lunches, compiling their recipes into books, sewing their children's Halloween and play costumes, bringing them cinnamon rolls when their husbands are injured and notifying them when things go on sale at Hobby Lobby.

Are you sure you're up for that?  Before you offer those potato chips, make sure you know where you want to be thirty years from now.  Or forty.  Or sixty.  Because, Michelle, my dear, we ain't goin' anywhere.  Oh, and, save me some shade under your umbrella at Cherry Hill.

Scott made us another Summer Mix Tape.  Last year's that Scott and Ryan made were a hit!

Al fresco.  The theme was "On the Boardwalk."  I was going for a Coney Island vibe.

Ari designed the pretty vases of snowballs from Coco's yard.

Carney food to go with our banh mi that I couldn't resist driving to SLC to pick up.
Gift bags included the CD and some fun summer trinkets.

Dessert was an idea I stole from my amazing SIL Nikki.  She hosted Jersey's first birthday party last week and every detail was perfect.  She lent me the jars and the idea for trifle.  The quote was from Blaise Pascal: "A trifle consoles us, for a trifle distresses us."  It is a good reminder to me that most things that upset us in life are quite small compared to the big picture, and can usually be cured with a trifle.  Of course, some sorrows and challenges can't be chocolated away.  That's when friends who share their potato chips come in.


Queen Elizabeth said...

Where's the box for "Envious of this gig"? So great what you have going.

Taylor Family said...

How fun you do have amazing friends. They are all so talented and kind. Love the boardwalk theme.

Michelle said...

Don't know if you got my other comment, I left it from my phone. But since I am still thinking about this lovely post that has made my whole day I have to comment again. I was just thinking of how hard it is to be brave as a kid. My Matthew has been struggling this afternoon to get his courage up to go over to a new kid in the neighborhood's house where everyone is hanging out. Brittany sruggled for days to get the courage up to ask a friend to go to a play with us tonight. I was the same way, had to use my potato chips to make friends, yes it was a crutch back then. But look at what I gained by that small act of courage! One of the best friends a girl could ask for, an association with one of the most amazing families and a group of women that enrich my life beyond measure! So here is to small acts of childhood courage. And potato chips. Maybe I had better go buy my kids some!

Ben and Athena said...

Just wanted to let you know that I'm copying your idea for "Reactions". I didn't know you could do that until I saw it on your blog. Hope that okay! Thanks for always sharing! I love reading all the stuff you write about.

Jennie said...

It was such a beautiful lunch. Thanks for all your extra effort and driving to SLC. We were so spoiled and pampered. We listened to Scott's CD this weekend. Ryan has declared it his new favorite. :)

Tiff said...

That cute little blonde is so cute! I'm so grateful she has such amazing friends in her life!! You guys are awesome!

Shane and Kenzie said...

I love how you cherish your friendships. I hope to always do the same! (Speaking of, one of my best friends always had sun chips AND a fruit roll up in her lunch...I would be found munching un-happily on carrot sticks and apples. Fruit roll up girl and I are still great friends)

Ernstfamilyfun said...

How pretty! I love it:)