I like this picture because it's in China, and because it looks like what I imagine Gordon B. Hinkley's arrival on the other side of the veil to be. A celebration, and a joyous reunion with his beloved wife. Although I never met the man, I have always felt like President Hinkley loved me personally and believed in my infinite potential. It is an inkling of what Heavenly Father feels toward us all, that immeasurable, abiding, parental love. I am thankful for President Hinkley, a brilliant example for us in every aspect of his life. Tiffany and Michelle both posted great quotes and thoughts...check them out. We are bereft, but we celebrate a life well lived in the service of Christ and Humanity.
Circ, you have many gifts, one of which is definitely the gift of words! So beautifully put, I just love that idea of that being a picture of how he is greeted--oh course a celebration. I have to say this is a very odd experience to have away from everybody. I feel like I should be stopping people on the school grounds or the grocery store to let them know he is gone or something. Funny, I do feel more a part of it through the blogging world.
It a good idea to think about what you've said here Circ.. so we just don't go around feeling bad for ourselves. I am going to miss his big smile and fun sense of humor, his care for everyone and his great wisdom.
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