Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Araceli for President

Twenty cousins, two birthday cakes, countless aunts and uncles and plenty of Election Day Chili made Araceli's birthday party a success. She's seven years old! Exit polls showed that Democrats had 59% more fun than Republicans, and that kids ten and under had 90% more fun than grown-ups.
First, the kids came and played games, had a flag-designing contest and opened presents without the adults. They even got to eat cake before their dinner. Well, it had fruit on it...? There is a "6" on the cake because it's the only candle we have. Everybody gets the six on their birthday. Details...
We had a mini civics lesson where the kids taught me that we live in "the state of America" and I taught them that mavericks should not be running our country. Ha ha...don't worry, there was plenty of influence from the other side of the aisle, too! It was all in good fun.
When the parents arrived, we ate chili and lit up a second cake. The writing on the cake, "Araceli for President," cracked me up. She is definitely Commander-in-Chief material!
Today, the 4th, is Ari's real birthday. Golda got up early and made birthday pancakes. Scott checked her out of school for lunch and took her to Pepperbelly's. I got two pictures of them sent to my phone and a call saying how much fun they were having. At ballet later, Ari gets to give each of her classmates a headband and some hair clips. Then Coco and Bill will take her (and probably her new doll) out for ice cream. It's a special day for a pretty amazing girl. Happy Birthday, Araceli!


Jennie said...

Happy b-day Ari! Last night was awesome. Thanks for including us. We loved the chili and the company. We hope you had a great b-day.

Sarah Smiles said...

You really know how to throw a party. How fun!

Emily said...

Happy Birthday Ari !! Esmae said that was "the most fun party ever" & thanks for the chili & yoga Circ ;)

Maria said...

Happy Birthday Ari! What a cute girl and once again it looks like an amazing party!

Michelle said...

Happy Birthday Ari! Only your mom could come up with such a fabulous unique party! Looks like lots of fun!

love.boxes said...

She is! Happy Birthday Ari!