My beautiful, talented niece, Lexie, tagged me to play this game. Here she is at her ballet recital last week. She lit up the stage! Here you go, Lexie!
8 things I am looking forward to:
Summer, meeting our baby, hanging out at the pool, ballet recital week, the end of school, finishing our basement, going to Montana, Lagoon day.
8 things I did yesterday: picked up Xanthe's new contacts at Primary Children's, ordered Freestone's Twinkle trophy, took Ari to a rehearsal with her pianist (thanks, Jennifer!), dropped the girls off at play practice, went to the pool for the first time this year, celebrated nephew Abram's birthday, fixed a violin, stayed up too late reading.
8 things I wish I could do: run long distances, wake up early and exercize, travel all the time, spend a summer on the beach in Portugal with Scott and the kids, visit my uncle and aunt's place in Thailand, grow a beautiful garden, play in an orchestra again, sing
8 shows I watch: American Idol, So You Think You Can Dance, How I Met Your Mother, The Big Bang Theory, America's Funniest Home Videos, Desperate Housewives, that show that's on after it, Jay Leno
8 people to tag: anyone who wants to play
Thanks Circe!
I think you are on the right track with your party. I found they entertained themselves pretty well on their own with what was offered. The more kids, the better. Good luck. Can't wait to hear how it goes.
I loved reading your eight things and am also anxious to see your new baby (when he makes his entrance!) A few moms from Em's playgroup are meeting this Wed at 10am at Angel Park. They are planning a few outings once or twice a month in the summer. You are very welcome to come and join if you want. Siblings are welcome. They say the park has play areas for for big and little kids so Free and Jake may even like it.
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