Wednesday, October 19, 2011

hospital blooper

My friend had a contest on her blog.  Who could tell the best story about something they did that was dumb or embarrassing.  I loved the premise because this is something I had a good shot of winning!  I ended up winning second place and a very generous gift certificate to Barnes and Noble.  thanks, Laurel!  Here's my "winning" entry:

Oh, there are so many duh moments! One that still makes me snicker happened hours after giving birth to Ptolemy. He was in the nursery at the hospital and I wanted to see him. I felt amazing, so I got up and strolled down the hall. I was wearing a hospital gown, but I thought I looked pretty good. I was thinking to myself, "Wow! Look at me, I'm up and about, walking around, feeling good, totally recovered! People are staring at me because they can't believe I'm walking around already! People are impressed! I'm awesome!"

Finally, on my way BACK to my room AFTER visiting Ptolemy, a MAN who didn't even work at the hospital came up to me and pointed out that my gown was not only on backwards, but hanging completely open. In the FRONT. Newly lactating breasts out there for all the world to marvel at.

The question is, what kind of drugs did they have me on!? And where can I get more!?

If you think you can beat that for embarrassing, let's hear it.  Maybe I'll let you read the books I got at Barnes and Noble with my winning gift card!


Michelle said...

Nope you win! Although I did have a moment after Josh was born when I was trying to walk down the hall (c-section remember) and a man told his small child "look, there is a mommy who is having a baby." Yep, he was already here. But hey, I did have my robe on!

Ernstfamilyfun said...

LOL- that's great!

laurel said...

I love this story! Glad you enjoyed the gift card!!!!

Shane and Kenzie said...

I have been laughing about this for DAYS... I honestly don't know what I would do if this happened to me!