Friday, October 7, 2011

I WOULD Blog But...

Fridays are so short!  I've been doin' stuff since 6:30 this morning and there's no end to the list of things I have to/want to do in the hour before the kids get home.  I have two more repairs to do, dinner to finish and so many things I would love to do if the days were 30 hours instead of 24.  One of the best luxuries is being able to take some time to do something that's not on the to-do list.  I did that Wednesday, and it was pure autumn fun.  I had told the girls we couldn't make Nutcracker bags this year because they wanted to get the Nutcracker sweats.  Something about September lures me into fabric stores, though, and my SIL Richelle had given me a gift certificate at Ben Franklin which bought me a few gleeful moments of fabric selection and some fat quarters to turn into festive bags.  I'm the world's sloppiest sewer, so I had those bags whipped out in minutes flat, waiting for the girls on their beds when they got home from school.  That's what qualifies for fun.  I'm not sure if that's just sad or not, but it's a lot cheaper than what qualified as fun when I was younger!

Darn, it looks like I blogged after all.   Now I'm going to have to work even faster to get my violins done before the house is invaded by grade-schoolers.  I hope I don't cut off a finger.  Who would make the Nutcraker bags?


Taylor Family said...

It sounds like you are having way more fun than me. I can't wait until the second trimester where I don't want to throw up when I see material because it reminds me I only go to fabric stores when I am pregnant. Then it brings me back to remember that I feel yucky and I can't get off the couch unless it is motivated by ice cream in the freezer. I am so excited we are having babies together.

Michelle said...

Sounds like the definition of fun to me! Now you know why I am off to the dollar store to buy more cheap barbies we can spray paint and turn into witches instead of cleaning my basement for lunch this week! Oh, and I hate Fridays, I can never get anything at ALL done!