Sunday, October 16, 2011


Can you see the tiny passenger on Ari's bike?  She rigged up a padded seat and seat belt on her bike for transporting Xanthe to and from school in comfort and style.  The seat belt is ironic, since it's more likely to get caught in the spokes than to protect Xanthe should the bike crash.  In any case, it's darling to see Xanthe's little brown legs sticking out on each side as Ari huffs and puffs up the street in the morning like a rickshaw driver.  What a great big sister, huh?


sws said...

That is impressive! Love these recent posts. :) So glad you met the Halls - I love it when great friends meet each other. Missing all of you. ss

Michelle said...

Love this! Ari's mothering knows no bounds!

Michelle said...

Love this! Ari's mothering knows no bounds!

Catherine said...

Very cute!

Nortorious said...

This makes me nervous and I love it! Post title should be "Things I allow with my younger kids that I wouldn't allow with my first!"