Saturday, December 10, 2011

Holly Jolly Tolly

 Where have I seen this guy before?

Well, Ptolemy is an old pro at the Ward Christmas Party routine.  We sat down at our table to wait for the prayer, in anticipation of dinner.  As soon as Brother Cooper got up to the mic to welcome everyone, Ptolemy jumped up and said with big eyes, "Mom!  We hafta go get in line!!"  How does he know a big buffet line is about to form?

Tolly also knows the the Christmas Party Santa thing works.  I asked him if he saw Santa and he said, "Ya.  Bill was in the kitchen."  Sounds like someone tried to convince him that Bill was "in the kitchen" and missed Santa's visit.  Tolly pretended to go along with it until Bill came to our house after the party, back in his normal clothes.  Ptolemy ran to him and shouted, "Santa!"  Kids these days...too clever.  Tolly's next trick was pulling up my blog on my phone to show Coco.  I'm pretty sure he was just showing off.  He was wired from all the candy canes Santa threw at him at the party.  Yes, Santa threw candy canes.  He likes to keep the kids on their toes!


Nate said...

That is amazing that Tolly recognized Santa! And who taught him to pull up your blog? Your kids are really smart:)

laurel said...

HOw fun and cute. I love Tolly's little cheeks. I love to see how kid's react to Santa. Kaylin sat on his lap yesterday at our ward party. She told him she wanted Barbie's. Surprise.

Jennifer said...

The sound of candy canes crashing on the tables just might haunt me forever. Hee hee. So funny. I was standing near your mom during the candy shell artillery, who explained that after last year's mob rush and subsequent telling off, Santa was sure he wouldn't get asked again. Glad he was, and that he agreed, on his own terms. Santa needs his psychological space!