Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Notes of Christmas Cheer

Some of the Christmas gifts and cards we've gotten have brought me a little chuckle, all for different reasons.  This one is from one of my ballet students to "You."  I can just hear Seinfeld saying, "!"  And my student's mom saying, "If you can't remember your teacher's name, just write YOU.  Let's go!"  Regardless, I love the gift.  It was foam soap, right in time to spruce up the red bathroom for a weekend of parties.  Thanks, You!
It was only after we gobbled up every last crumb of the delicious cookies from the Smiths when we noticed the tag:  "To Kings, Kings and Dopps."  Oops.  I think we were supposed to share with my parents and Josh and Emily.  Sorry, guys.  The cookies were really good, though.  We enjoyed them enough for all of us?
Here's another one from a ballet student.  "Dear Circe, thanks for being nice to us and for teaching us ballet. Merry Christmas.  So I'm giving you this gift for being nice to us and this is also a gift for Christmas."  I can't tell if she really thinks I'm nice, or whether she's trying to bribe me into being nicer by giving me a gift specifically for being nice.  Either way, the giver is a darling girl and I just love her!
Ari took a bunch of odds and ends to sell at "Class Store" yesterday.  One was a witch candle.  Judging by her teacher's thank you note, she decided to give him the candle instead of the Lindor chocolates I wrapped for him.  Now the question is, what happened to the chocolates?  I know what I would have done with them!
One more note...enjoy these last few days before Christmas, YOU!


The homestead said...

So cute. Thanks for the laugh. Merry Christmas!

Jennifer said...

Oh, that Ari. Hilarious!