Thursday, December 22, 2011

Up to Our Ears

 Another Rhapsody gig with Luke and Evyn
Band concert...hence the flute. 

We're up to our ears in Christmas music!  Last Friday there were three recitals and a Rhapsody performance.  I missed Xanthe's little dance recital that Lexie put on because I was at the cello gig at the retirement center. Scott and Coco said Xanthe was the best one there!  (I'm sure they're not biased or anything.)  Ari did a great job playing in a cello trio...except on the song where she was the bass line.  The bass line is, apparently, not as much fun to practice as the melody.  It has been enjoyable to hear her repertoire of Christmas music each morning when she practices.  I'm going to miss it.

I've sneaked into a couple of Golda's Rhapsody performances during their holiday tour of local elementary schools.  What a fun group!  Ruby's guitar recital featured the first performance of the advanced kids playing in an ensemble.  Classical guitar is such a solitary instrument, it's a great experience for them to play in an ensemble.  They have been practicing on Friday nights since August.  Roy, Ruby's teacher, was elated with how they played.  Ruby did a good job on her solo, too, even though the video is inexplicable blurry.

And there's a sample of our holiday soundtrack.  I can't get some of the others to load...fortunately for you!  I think we're winding down on the recitals.  Now that the kids are out of school ,we've moved into the cookie baking and gift delivering portion of our holiday season.  Yesterday:  marshmallows dipped in chocolate and candy canes and egg nog cookies.  Today:  Ari says it's candy cane shaped sugar cookies.  Now, could we please have some snow to set the mood?

1 comment:

Nate said...

Your family is so talented and busy! Thank you for inviting Emily today. She loved it and hasn't taken off her princess dress yet:)