Monday, December 12, 2011

Scott's Relaxing Weekend

Scott's relaxing day off.  Yep, this is what relaxation looks like when you have 6 kids.  Scott went in for a little "procedure" on Friday.  He was a little loopy at the Dopp grown-up party Friday night, then got to sit out the Saturday driving-kids-to-lessons marathon and the ward party.  Sunday he got a pass on church, a family party and a concert Golda sang in, but not on sharing movies with the kids on his Kindle.  He's a good sport.  Everybody loves him and wishes he were parked on the couch more often so that there would be a comfy place to sit and unlimited entertainment.  I hope the kids had fun this time around because it's the last time we're doing this.  Really.


Jennie said...

Oh nuts! :) I'm sorry he had to skip all the fun. I hope he is feeling better today.

The homestead said...

Third times the charm:) God luck with the recovery.

Michelle said...

Nice Pun Jen! The part I find most ironic is that you have a big ole TV in just the next room! But it is obviously better with Dad. Hope he feels better! Tell him we will send the leftovers from lunch tomorrow!