Thursday, November 12, 2009

Dropping Balls

EARLIEST DEPICTION OF JUGGLING known shows skillful Egyptian women on the 15th Beni Hassan tomb of an unknown prince from the Middle Kingdom period of about 1994 to 1781 B.C.

Book club always fosters interesting discussions, albeit not always about the book. Tonight I was talking to a few women about "getting it together" and how you think when you're young that it will someday happen to you. But it doesn't. I'm still hoping for a day when I never forget a birthday, I always get the kids where they're going on time, and my closets, like the rest of my life, are beyond reproach. You can hope for that kind of organizational nirvana, but even if a hundred things go right, there is still that one thing that can make you drop all the balls. Juggling isn't easy, and women do it all the time, with a baby on their hip and in high heels, and always in more than one place at a time. Is it even physically possible, what women do? We know the laws of physics will eventually bring those balls down, but we still beat ourselves up when it happens.

Book club was at my house tonight, and I looked forward to it. A little baking, a little housekeeping, some planning involved. Nothing approaching perfection, but I thought I did OK, so I had to laugh when, right after the "getting it together" discussion, I walked the last of the women outside. There on my front porch was a giant bag of garbage that you literally had to step around to get to book club. So I don't have it all together yet. But what's one giant bag of garbage between friends? You don't really want to see me try to juggle trash, do you?


Michelle said...

See but that is why we are always so comfortable at your house! YOu make us feel like here is one place we don't have to pretend to have it all together.

Jennifer said...

Aargh! Sounds like this is the book club I REALLY should have come to, but ... is it cliche to say I didn't have it together? Jeff and I were still trying to work through all the furnace bids and make a decision on this, a major house repair/replacement I wouldn't wish on anyone.

Anonymous said...
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Amanda said...

Who's Mr. Anonymous anyway?

To be completely honest with you, I didn't even notice the bag of garbage! Probably because it's such a common sight at my house too! Thanks for doing book club on such short notice. You juggle LOTS more balls than I do and you're way more on top of stuff than I am! Thanks for the inspiration!

Jennie said...

The other thing about women juggling is that other women don't see all the faults and cracks that you see. We are all in our own little worlds sometimes. Like, last night. I didn't even notice the garbage. However, I did notice all the lint balls on my sweater when I got home. I thought to myself, "I wonder if these were showing during book club." See.... to some it is garbage and others lint balls. In the big picture it is ALL GOOD! Well done last night. Your food was yummy.

I can't believe how much you can pack in and do well: dance for girls, viewing, teaching, more viewing, and book club all in a few hour span. You are simply awesome. Oh, and thanks for being the Pied Piper today. Our kids love you!

laurel said...

That is funny. Instead of garbage, it is usually my vaccum.

C and MC said...

I was picking my parents up at the airport, so I didn't make it to Finale rehearsal. I am going to the Studio Monday night so I'll look for it. Thank you so much.

Anonymous said...

You are one of the most "together" women I know. The garbage sack thing is really funny:)

Anonymous said...

That bag of garbage is nothing! I can't tell you how many times I have had an event at my house and when everyone was gone, I noticed the windex on my mantle. Like it was some sort of decoration or something-it is just always there so I didn't even notice it!