Freestone has a new idea about sounding out words. If it doesn't sound like something he recognizes, it must be French. He was trying to sound out "energizer" and it came out "enuh-rrrr-gizz-rrrr." I heard him say, "Why is that in French?" Same thing happened when I put up the Christmas stocking hooks and they spelled out "PEACE." Freestone said, "pu-e-ah-kuh!-eh. Hmm...why is that in French?" He then proceeded to rearrange the letters to say, "PEEC." When his work was done, he stepped back and said in a soothing voice, "Theeeeere. Now we can sound it out! Peeeees." (He talks to himself a lot.)
I asked him, "What about the A?" He replied, as patiently as he could, "Mom, we don't NEED the A." I guess he's right. English has some funny rules. Hopefully, after a few more years in French immersion, he can choose that language instead, whenever English doesn't act like he wants it to. It's always good to have choices, oui?
I love it! He is so inventive. I love how the kids are really getting the hang of reading and sounding out words. I want to scream - "Yeah! They finally get it!" No more letter flash cards and sight words. Potty training - check, learning to ride a 2 wheeler - check, reading - almost check.
Thanks for letting me borrow your girls today to be my slave labor. They helped me SO much!
Your kids are so lucky you encourage them to learn and try new things. Peec on Earth it is!
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