Sunday, November 1, 2009

Pictures at an Exhibition

It may have been Picasso who said, "Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life." There is no canvas more colorful and no exhibition more alive than a collection of children on Halloween, and we were washed clean of all dust except the fairy variety. This year for the party, Emily and Josh filled a hundred helium balloons to give the afternoon an air of breathtaking whimsy, the white against the blue sky. I loved it! Every holiday I say, "This is my favorite!" I really think Halloween is the best for pagaentry and excess. Everywhere you look, it's an artful vignette of color. The annual party was flanked by anticipation beforehand and trick-or-treating afterwards, so that everyone was delirious by the end. Sleepily, Freestone said that his favorite part was ending up at Coco's because "We always end up there and then we get to stay there." Araceli's favorite part was "going to bed." So their favorite part was resting at the end of it all. Yes, the more fun you have, the better it is to kick off your shoes and relax after. By that measure, we had lots of fun. So much fun that Freestone tried to pass off his ninja costume as "church clothes" this morning. We love our friends and neighbors so much. Thank-you, everyone.


Anonymous said...

Looks like such a fun party. Sorry we missed it. Even Tolly got to dress us..very cute!

Michelle said...

It was the best. Absolutely the best! That pictuer of Circ throwing candy is a perfect representation of her personality. She is just the girl that makes fun wherever she is. Thank you so much for one more fabulous memory.

Jennie said...

What great pictures! I especially love the pic of you tossing the candy in the air. That fits you perfectly. You are always the creator of fantastic parties.

Thanks for letting us come! We can't wait for next year.

Jennifer said...

I, too, love the candy toss photo. It's great!

Thank you for all your work for this. You have a generous heart.

The homestead said...

Looks like you out did yourself this year. What a fun party and what fun memories.

Emily said...

Its so fun to live by you, best parties! Thanks for all the fun!

Lisa and Tate said...

Looks like SO MUCH FUN!!

Jenny said...

As always it was a fun halloween party! Thanks for the tradition and the candy!!!!

love.boxes said...

Such a fun party and a wonderful tradition! The girls had a great time.. Thanks so very much Circ!!!