Friday, July 1, 2011

Fast Cars

 The High Priest annual car show is one of the best parties of the year.  It's a great social event for some of the men in the neighborhood who aren't LDS, to be included in something that seems to be a universal manly interest:  peering under the hoods of cars.  It's surprising how many classic cars there are in our neighborhood.  There is a Cougar that's one of only 25 made, and it's in mint condition.  There are restored trucks, pristine sedans from the '60's,cool sports cars, and of course Jim's Model A, the oldest car in the show.  My dad brought two cars to the show, the MG and the Jag.  The MG just got an overhaul after not running for awhile, and it was fun to see it up and running. 

After everyone had admired  the engines and talked about mileage, provenance and model numbers, Coco drove my vintage minivan home and Scott and I took the Pumpkin (the MG) for a spin.  Just the smell of the interior and the roar of the engine brought back memories of tooling around town in high school, driving to school and ballet.  The Pumpkin is a good little car, even if it runs about as often as you'd expect from a British sports car.  My parents bought it on their honeymoon in Germany and drove it to Switzerland, where they got married.  (Yes, the honeymoon started before the marriage.  Any questions?)

Scott and I had a few minutes to feel like reckless teenagers before we drove down our street and were greeted by 9 kids.  I took each and every one of them for a spin around the block before retiring the Pumpkin to Dad's garage.  My neighbors mock me for driving up and down our street non-stop, so it probably didn't even bother them that I made nine round-trips, and the kids loved the ride.  Prestie was the only one who put her head out the window and stuck her tongue out, thank heavens!


Jennie said...

How fun. Thanks for taking my kiddos for a spin. They loved it, I'm sure.

On another note, I have the tablecloths for tomorrow and I'm heading to Sam's. Let me know if you need anything.

Jennifer said...

Shoot! I told my kids we couldn't go, since I thought it was just for the high priests. We could have jumped the fence!

Michelle said...

I love seeing the pumkin! Is that the jag my dad remembers your dad driving in high school? I think that is the story I remember. What a fun night!