Monday, July 18, 2011

Happy Birthday, Dear Ptolemy

 It's been a quick two years!  Too quick.  I can't believe this little guy is a big guy already.  He has been a perfect child, a complete joy and a wonder for everyone.  He loves to go.  now, when Scott is getting ready in the morning, Tolly scrambles to find his shoes, then stands by the front door saying, "I'm ready-a go to a office!"  He hates being left behind, so a couple of times, Scott has taken him along for the ride.  His new thing is, "Wait for me!"  He'll probably be saying that a lot, being the youngest.  He says to me on his way out the door, "I go a wingset and play, K Mom?" 

Saturday, Scott, Golda and I took Ptolemy to get his first official haircut.  He was scared, but held it together.  After the haircut, we let him choose a balloon at Ben Franklin.  I asked him what color he wanted and he said, "A geen one."  So he came home with his very own green balloon, which he was very possessive of.  I'm not sure if the prized balloon cause more joy or more aggravation for little Tolly.

Sunday the 17th was the official birthday.  The Kings came over for a brunch of grilled salmon and caesar salad and a big chocolate cake.  Tolly's favorite part was blowing out the candles.  Coco and Bill gave him a toy that he absolutely loves.  In fact, everyone loves it!

The Dopps celebrated July birthdays with presents at the lake last week, but that didn't stop us from celebrating again with a delicious dinner and cake at Bruce and Marlene's Sunday night.  For now, the celebrations are over, but Tolly doesn't care.  He's too busy getting ready for work!


The homestead said...

I seems like just yesterday you were bringing a newborn baby up to the cabin. He sure is cute!

love.boxes said...

Happy B-day Tolly. We love you!

Michelle said...

Oh, look at him with his little man haircut! Happy B-day Tolly! We love you too!

Nate said...

Amazing that Tolly is two years old! I love his "go a wingsetand play K mom". Also really cute that he gets his shoes and wants to go with Scott!

Ernstfamilyfun said...

I also remember him just a new baby up at the cabin. That was a lot of fun!

Kristi said...

How can it have been 2 years already? He really is the cutest little caboose. Happy Birthday to your sweet boy!