Monday, July 25, 2011

Attention, Organizers

All you people-movers, carpoolers and family event planners, I need advice.  I have used the engagement calendar system since I was in 7th grade.  The past few years, I've had the perfect planner:  the Audubon Society calendar.  I like everything about it - the gorgeous photography, the clean format, the size.  I send a check every July to an address in Manhattan and I get the next year's book.  But I went to Barnes and Noble with Golda and Ruby to let them choose their own calendars, and I saw other planners that I liked.  One in particular organized each day vertically which seems like a good idea, so I could have morning things at the top of the page and go down chronologically. But should I change a system that works?  I just feel like I have to amp up the planning as the kids get older and more involved.  I want all the kids to feel organized and in control so they can learn to "use their time wisely," as Jackson would say.  :)  I feel like I need a command and control center with 20 foot high screens, radar that tracks each kid, chairs that swivel and alarms that go off when it's time to take someone to a lesson.  Is that too "Disney Movie?"  Overkill?

What I want to know is, what works for you?  I think I might have to get one of those giant wall calendars and list each child's activities for everyone to see, but I still need my little calendar with me all the time.  I know you all have systems.  Lay it on me!  How do you keep it all straight?  Last year, it took me a month before I stopped dropping Ari off at ballet on Mondays.  Her class was Wednesday-Saturday, while Golda's was Monday-Wednesday-Friday, and I could not remember that!  I don't have room to write details about each ballet class, since there are 15-20 a week, so I just write the times.  "4:00" means someone has ballet at 4:00.  You'd think I could remember who.  My other problem is pens.  Lefties have problems with writing utensils, and Sharpies work really well for me.  I think they might bleed through the page with some planners, though.

Do you color-code?
Do you post the calendar for the whole family to look at?
Do you write down who drives and who babysits with different activities?
How is your calendar formatted?  Vertical?  Horizontal?  Hourly?  A month at a time doesn't work for me because the squares are too small, but it might work for a big family calendar.

Tell me how you keep it all straight.  Include homework and practicing times, chores, meals, special events, double bookings and lessons.  I am boycotting carpools this year because I can't keep them all straight.  I'll let you know how that works.  I do love to drive the kids, so I feel good about it, and I like not having anyone else relying on me...just in case I forget what "4:00" means.


Jennie said...

I'll be interested to see if you get any feedback that would work for me as well. I need to experiment with my electronic idea and then I'll let you know. :)

Catherine said...

You're amazing!! Life it quieter now (sounds weird as the mom of a toddler) but I'm dropped out of most things to spend as much time as possible with Hannah. When I was busy (noting compared to you :o) I really liked an electronic version that I could easily update wherever I was.

Hope you find a great solution that works for you! Will be interested to see what others say.

laurel said...

I am laughing....I read your question, "SO, how do you all keep it straight?" My answer is simply....I don't.

C and MC said...

Though I am unworthy to answer this question, I LOVE my planner from B & N. I think a vertically organized day could be good. And do you do Sharpie colors for the different kids? I do everything in pencil because my school schedule changes by the second. Good luck! Post pics of the one you choose.

sws said...

This post stresses me out a little at the thought of school starting...and the schedules. ah! As you know, I'm a Franklin planner girl myself - which is vertical by the way :) - and I'm still a believer of going over the calendar w/ M every Sunday night. love the Sharpie comments.

Michelle said...

Cierce I mean this as serious as possible: you need an iPhone. It will change your life. Call me and I'll walk you through alerts, easy updates, sharing calendars (if your carpool boycott falls through - haha) and many more amazing things. In fact I'm posting this from my iPhone. Think of blogging on the go!!!!

Take care.

love.boxes said...

I better hop over to barnes and noble.. Sharpies are the only way to go.. but after that.. I've got nothing. I seem to forget stuff even if I right it in 3 places and leave the Vt standing on my porch w/ not even a light to welcome them.. even if I put a "stop.. don't leave VT are coming sign" on the back door. My brain is somewhere else lately. I missed my book club again.. I may appoint C to be my secretary. She's pretty good at this stuff. :)