Sunday, July 10, 2011

The Lake, Restorative Powers Of

My cloud of doom has been blown away and replaced with clear summer skies.  Phew!  Our Dopp Family Trip this year was planned for the cabin, but plans changed when the property surrounding the cabin fell victim to spring flooding.  Everything is fine, but nobody was looking forward to mud wrestling as a vacation activity. We decided to spend a day at Willard Bay instead, boating and picnicking, playing on the beach and bobbing in the water.  It was a huge success.  Nikki and Clint brought their boat and were kind enough to take everyone for multiple rides, tubing and water skiing.  And even though I brought drinks, snacks and watermelon, Bruce and Marlene brought tables, tablecloths, cook stoves and enough food for five days.  They effortlessly put my whining to shame by demonstrating what real adults do for their families.  I am such a wimp!  I have to admit, my hardest job at the lake was reapplying sunscreen to all my kids.  In my defense, there are a lot of them, so it was practically a full-time job.  I hardly had any time to eat three dozen cookies.

Our beautiful day ended with one last boat ride.  Scott and I were the last to leave, so we ended up going out with Nikki and Clint and their boys for a glorious tour of the lake at twilight with the mountains and clouds presenting a glowing backdrop for the shimmering water.  It was a spiritual experience.  I kept thinking, "Look at this!  Look at this world!  This is genius!"  And of course it is.  Even more moving than the view was admiring the nine kids we had with us...Austin asleep at the helm, Kiptyn brand-new to all this adventure, Cade's blonde curls blowing in the wind, and all of our kids, safely here, right where they belong.

I hope I can remember the peaceful expanse of the lake when life bears down and obscures the big picture.  All I'll have to think if I lose sight of the joy is, "The lake is still there.  All is well."


Taylor Family said...

Great post to end my day. I have had such a good day since your visit!!!! We are glad you had fun.

laurel said...

Awesome. I love days like that.

Kristi said...

I am always glad when I visit your blog. I've been a slacker about all things blogging, and I've missed your words of wisdom and sage advice. I can always count on you for slice of life, big picture, eternal perspective kind of posts, and I love that about you! Hope summer is being good to you. Can I bring you a triangle sandwich?

Nate said...

I loved your description of the last tour of the lake:)

love.boxes said...

This has been kind of a wierd summer weather wise. A grand day at the lake sounds perfect.