Thursday, July 21, 2011

Supporting a Lemonade Stand: Check.

We can check off buying lemonade from neighborhood kids for the summer.  I don't have any cute pictures of the two little entrepreneurs because my neighbors might think it was creepy if they saw me taking pictures of their kids.  Not to mention posting them on the internet.  Anyway, Freestone and I were on our way to orchestra and I was trying to convince him to climb in the back and get us each a resfreshing bottle of (probably hot) water.  I was dying of thirst.  Being Freestone, he wouldn't do it, not even if it was highly against the law.  Just then, I spotted two boys waving signs.  Yesss!   And I even had a dollar!

They informed me that they were out of raspberry lemonade, but they had pink lemonade and otter pops.  I ordered two glasses of pink lemonade and handed over my dollar.  Halfway through the second cup, the boys ran out of pink lemonade.  They conferred with each other and decided to offer us a free otter pop.  Score!  With that dollar is his sweaty little hand, I could tell that the kid did not want to give me the two quarters I had coming, so I told him to keep the change.  He looked like he had hit the jackpot.

I, on the other hand, was the proud owner of a tepid, syrupy glass of sugar that I could not drink.  Freestone downed his and ate the otter pop.  When I dropped him off, I reminded him that he could get up to use the bathroom during orchestra if he had to.  He said, "No I can't, and I hate orchestra.  I'm not even good enough to even LOOK at the music."  I smiled and said, "I know.  I had to fake it for a whole year in orchestra, and I was eleven.  You're so far ahead of me!"  He staggered into the building, probably in a sugar coma, carrying a music stand, his folder and his violin.

I drove home, added two quarts of water to my cup of lemonade, poured it over ice and sat down to enjoy watching the kids build a fort out of all the pillows and blankets in the house.

Ahh, summer.


Taylor Family said...

Where were you yesterday when my boys tried to sell otter pops. No one came so I went out and bought four. Cade was excited though because someone waved and I guess a "poor came" by and they gave him one for free.

Catherine said...

LOL! I remember our lemonade stands when I was a kiddo. you were a brave, brave woman to drink it! :o)

laurel said...

I think it is so cute when I see kids doing lemonade stands. I just don't like it when it is my own kids.....too much work.

I feel like I need to say Bah Humbug.

Nate said...

Good for you for supporting the local lemonade stand....and for letting them keep the change from the dollar:) Freestone's comments make me laugh.