Sunday, April 15, 2012


Scott and I thought it was high time for a two-person get-away. Well, three-person, if you count Tizzy.  As we were getting ready Saturday afternoon, Scott said, "OK, I have diapers, wipes, diaper rash, formula, a bottle and a binky."

"Sounds romantic," I said.  Everyone wanted to take pictures with us before we left.

This is a weird picture.  Where is the bottom half of my body?

 Our fearless babysitter.  Thanks, Golda!

We started our evening at a new Spanish tapas restaurant.  People really do go nuts for babies.  The older couple next to us just stared at her non-stop.  As Scott carried her out of the crowded restaurant, it was like the Red Sea parting to make way for the precious baby and her handsome father.  People, noticing her, would gasp and point. 

After a long, lazy dinner, I forced Scott to agree to an overnighter at the Ranch in Park City instead of abandoning our plans and going home.  It's so easy to go home, what with a dozen kids there waiting for us.  But sometimes you just have to follow through with your best intentions and GO!  We were glad we did.  The condo was relaxing and we were able to keep our dinner conversation going for hours, driving up the canyon and around Park City, and sitting by the cozy fire.  Tziporah behaved herself rather nicely, too.  It's good to connect again and feel, as opposed to just know, that you are in love.  The woman next to us at the restaurant who was admiring Tizzy said she thought Scott and I were newlyweds.  Aww, such a compliment!  I still feel like our relationship is brand-new compared to how far we have to travel.  In Scott's yearbook our senior year, I wrote, "There's more to come..."

Still true.
 Tizzy, relaxing by the fire
Scott, relaxing by the fire.  Sunday morning we were up with the sun, enjoying a beautiful drive down East Canyon.  The kids were ready for 9:00 church when we arrived.  Life doesn't get better than that!


Anonymous said...

So glad you got to go!..sounds fun, I remember those days when Sarah was little and we took her and everyone oooed and awed!...makes you feel good. Great pictures, have to find out where the Tapas restaurant is!...hopefully, you get many more overnighters!...even one night rejuvenates!..XO Tricia

love.boxes said...

Love it! So happy that you got to get away. Golda is AWESOME!

C and MC said...

Wow. I suck getting to 9 am church when I live 5 seconds away, and that is WITHOUT Camden, let alone 7 little angels. Wow.

Nate said...

Glad you had a chance to get away. It sounds wonderful:)

Catherine said...

You're so wise! One of the very best gifts you can give your children is investing in your marriage.

My parents (married 53 years now) did this from the time that we were young and even though I thought it would be fun to go away with them, I'm glad they knew better and took time for themselves.

Ernstfamilyfun said...

How fun! And you guys do look like newlyweds!

sws said...

You both look great in these photos! So glad you got away.