Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Day Two, Imperial Beach

A moment in time:  my fourteen-year-old laughing at something I said which she deemed ridiculous, and my baby, who doesn't yet know how embarrassing her mom can be! 
Ruby has vast reserves of patience for Ptolemy's delightful little world.  He loves her.  When we pick the girls up from school, he refuses to talk to me, saying, "I'm talking to Ruby!"

Watching conference in Ryan and Jennie's condo.  Morning session was spent in our place, just us.  Then, after a dip in the hot tub we gathered with the cousins for lunch and the afternoon session before venturing out to the beach.  The beautiful messages of conference resonated in our hearts as we soaked up the expanse of God's creation.

This is me doing what I was made to do:  reading at the beach, holding a tiny baby.  I'm not sure if anything is more satisfying.  I think about the seven babies I have cradled and protected from the sun and sand.  This is the last one.  Just one more trip and them Tziporah will be running and playing with the rest of them, getting sunburned and sandy, giggling and screaming.  I'll look up from my book and smile because life will be good, but I won't have a baby in my arms.  So this trip, I savored every minute of baby time.  I still can't believe how miraculous it is that Tziporah is here.  She is a real Dopp now, too, with Imperial Beach sand enbedded in her ears and on her scalp!

Fleeting moment, one of my favorites.


Catherine said...

Ahhh! Now you know how to do a vacation!

Glad you enjoyed it so much and it's fun to read and see your stories!

Jennie said...

Love all the pics. I'll have to direct peeps to your blog so they can see the vacation from two cameras. :)

Ernstfamilyfun said...

That looks so fun! I don't know what I am going to do when we have to move and I can't go to the beach every week. You guys should come visit us while we are here!

sws said...

I wish I were there today! The beautiful sun and sand and reading with a baby....time moves too fast.

laurel said...

I think I watched conference in the wrong place!

Sarah said...

Hey Circe!

I don't know if you remember me (Sarah Granata)---my husband, Gabe, used to work with Jeremy. I also bought a violin from you way back when (still have it and love it)!
Could I email you some questions about adopting your daughter from China? I don't have your email address, but mine is
We live in China right now, and are trying to find out as much as we can about this--you're the only one I know that has adopted from here, and wanted to ask you a few things.

LOVE your blog, BTW. : )

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful vacation! all look so relaxed and like you were loving every minute, so cute of all of you, hope you get to go on many more. Love Imperial Beach!....memories that last forever for all of you and when BGolda was alive! is perfect place to go and relax..Glad you went. XO Tricia

DeBryFamily said...

I LOVE the b&w photo of you reading on the beach--that is a classic!