Sunday, April 1, 2012


 A (messy!) day in the life of our kitchen, the nerve center of the house.

The Easter Bunny made an exception to his route and visited our house early.  He always does a great job on the baskets, bringing all the good candy and a few small clothing items for spring.  When I was a kid, the Easter Bunny left coins in our house plants and we had to find them.  I didn't know about Cadbury eggs or those egg cartons full of marshmallow eggs.  I saw Peeps in stores, but not one of those sugary confections with the gimpy eyes ever crossed our threshold.  I think my parents sent word to the Easter Bunny that our kids hated sugar.  Liars!

If I ever tried to send word along those lines about our kids, Scott would intercept the message.  He loves big Easter baskets like those the Easter Bunny left him as a child.  And since I'm left alone with all the Easter baskets come Monday morning, I'm a believer now too!


laurel said...

YOU had me freaked out. I was thinking, "did I forget Easter? Did I get my dates wrong?" I really wouldn't put it past me.

I am glad you do candy for your kids. Money is just to hard to eat!

Love the new header!

Catherine said...

Fun!! I love that the Easter Bunny changes things up and comes to your home early! Normally he visits our place Friday night but we have an Egg Hunt to attend early Sat am so I think this year Monday it will be! I want to keep Easter Sunday focused on Christ and his resurrection and not confuse it with the EB.

Great pics of your family and the new header is wonderful!

Happy Easter!

Shane and Kenzie said...

You are such a good mother!