Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Day One, Imperial Beach

We seem to have the system down for our annual trek to the beach.  Wake up at 2:00. 2:20 am, leave home. Stop in St. George for breakfast just as the sun is coming up.  2:00 pm, the beach!  Since the condo is usually not ready until 4:00, we have the luxury of going straight to the sand.  Oh, but first we stop at the dollar store for massive amounts of cookies and a few fruits and veggies. 

This time, Freestone drove down with Ryan and Jennie, who arrived a couple of hours after we did.  I was glad to see them.  I missed Freestone!  That night, we had chicken bacon garlic ranch Seacoast pizza.  I can't tell you how delicious it is.  I crave it all year.  (Today, weeks after the beach trip, I had bacon and garlic in the oven for the spaghetti carbonara I'm making and Ptolemy peered in hopefully.  He said, "There's pizza in there."  I wish! 

The first night of the trip is always the most heavenly because you know that the whole vacation is before you and that there are several more nights of being lulled by the surf and waking in the night to see the moon reflected on the ocean and many more days of waking up to surfers trying their luck and dolphin pods undulating along the coast.  The beauty is complete and familiar and fills me with peaceful gratitude that we are able to partake of it.


sws said...

just your writing and beautiful photos relaxes me - and I love the one of Tizzy sleeping in the sand. Can't wait for more!

laurel said...

So awesome. You are brave. I won't travel with my kids in a car.