Thursday, April 5, 2012


I love...

...his constant chatter; it's been going on since he was a baby and his stream of consciousness has yet to run dry; his gangly arms and baby fat legs, his thick, flop-forward hair, his need to read, his obsessive personality, the way he focuses on one thing, the facts he spews, his giant eyes, the memory of finding out we were having a boy and knowing it was Freestone.  We were waiting for you, Free!  His hearty laugh, his third grade sense of humor, his smarts, his conviction, his potential, every time he speaks French, his gentle manner with Tziporah, how he adores Ptolemy, how he's Ari's best friend, what a good buddy he is when you need someone to hang out with, his talent on the violin, the time we spend together practicing, playing duets with him, our sausage McMuffin runs on Monday mornings with Xanthe, his big freckles, his love for animals, his polished rocks, stacks of books and piles of Pokemon cards, his relentless pursuit of an idea, his gait, that he wants to be a dad when he grows up and have ten kids, the sweet boyishness of him...



Michelle said...

And he has always reminded me so much of his Dad. Such a great kid!

laurel said...

What a great boy.

What an awesome mom.

Nate said...

I love reading these. Your children are all so different and so talented in very individual ways. There may be enough children to fill your van but they are all very unique and very wanted!