Saturday, April 14, 2012

Xanthe's Party

 I love these cupcakes!  I saw them on Catherine's blog and had to try them.  Fun and easy!  Ruby and Ari did most of them, but I did get to help.  Ptolemy kept begging for marshmallows.  When I finally wouldn't give him more, he sobbed.  Later he said, "You didn't mind me and I cried and cried!  Why did you do that to me?"  Think he's spoiled??

 Xanthe, Aubry and Izzy, who had just fallen on her face.  Incidentally, she also had a broken finger, but we didn't know it yet.  What a trooper, doing crafts and partying with a broken finger!
 Three little boys:  Abe, Yao Yao and Tolly.  They added quite a cuteness factor to the party, as well as a lot of noise!
 OK, relax, kid!
 Emi, Hazel, Jade

 Poor Claire fell asleep!

Xanthe's "Tangled" birthday party was great fun.  Xanthe chose the theme, but it was a "Tangled" party in name only.  We didn't really go too theme-y because I couldn't find any Rapunzel stuff.  But lo and behold, nobody cared!  The kids had fun making necklaces, gluing puff balls on tote bags, playing outside, eating cupcakes and ice cream and opening presents.  Xanthe was a sweetie, even is she was in overdrive.  She has wonderful friends.  Happy birthday, Xanthe Mary Mei!


Jennie said...

Thanks so much for inviting Izzy. I'm so glad she felt well enough to come. She was a little nervous about going out with her new "look". I hope X had fun at her party. What a sweetie.

Michelle said...

It looks like another perfect party! Love that kid! She looks so full of life, even standing still in a photo!

love.boxes said...

Happy Birthday Xanthe.. thanks so much for sharing some of your beautiful cupcake with us! You are amazing!

Catherine said...

Fun party! Happy Birthday Xanthe!

Your cupcakes look great! We'll make them again for sure too!