Thursday, April 12, 2012

Idiot Mom, Perfect Daughter

 Homework at the beach:  Farenheit 451
Golda had ballet 'n' stuff nonstop from right after school until 9:30 at night.  Then she came home and did homework while the rest of us watched American Idol.  She didn't even start her practicing until 11:00.  I felt guilty falling asleep being serenaded by the flute.

This morning I got on the computer and accidentally erased the work she did last night for her online class.  I am an idiot.  How did I get lucky enough to have a daughter as wonderful as Golda?  After she redoes her online work tonight, I owe her a big, fat fro-yo.  Sorry, Golda!  I appreciate how hard you work.  You're my treasure.


Anonymous said...

You are blessed, but they are the product of good are doing it all right, both you and Scott, even if you erased her homework!....sounds like something a tired and busy mom would do...she is a sweetheart to take it in stride and redo it tonite, just be careful in morning not to erase it..smiley face!...Love you Golda, XO Tricia

SSWS said...

oh no! I feel bad for both of you!! What is worse, "the dog ate my homework or my mom erased my homework?"

Michelle said...

Lets clone her! Imagine how great the world would be?!

love.boxes said...

Dang. I hate it when I do that kind of stuff.. I have a story, but frankly it's too awful to repeat. Go Golda!