Friday, July 20, 2012

House Hatha

 Downward-facing Chair pose.  Ari put the chair on a blanket to move it.  Clever, huh?

Ari came in from the slip n slide holding her shoulder and whimpering.  She said there was a collision and she thought her collarbone was broken, but that she was trying not to cry.  She wanted me to throw her in an ambulance and rush her to a doctor.  My motherly response was, "Ari, we are not going to the doctor today.  That does not sound fun.  For one thing, you have that concert tonight.  And we have the zoo tomorrow.  Now, can you help me move this couch?"

She did.  Guess it wasn't broken, huh?  With moving furniture, I can't help it, even though I know it's going to hurt my back.  Scott always asks why I didn't wait for him to do it.  Well, that sentence contains two clues.  One, the word "wait."  Two, the phrase "for him to do it."

So I have this technique of leaning against the furniture and slowly sliding it.  I pretend I'm not exerting any effort.  At the same time, I still realize that I will pay for my foolishness later, so I preemptively stuff an ice pack into my waistband. I also use leverage by sitting or lying against a wall and pushing the furniture with my feet.  And you should see me rolling a couch or a dresser down the stairs, end over end.  Because I am stupid enough to try anything, you'd be surprised what I can move.  I'm thinking about developing a form of yoga where you slide furniture around as you exhale.  Bikramodeling.  At the end of your workout, your house is remodeled.  Of course, it will be a show on HGTV called House Hatha.  It will be an excellent workout.  It will even cure broken collar bones. 


laurel said...

That is pretty great. My sister in law moves her furniture all the time. Me, not so much. I think my living room has been rearranged twice in 12 years.

You are the woman and the mover.

Anonymous said...

Home Depot and Lowe's sell these little saucer things that you slide under the furniture legs and whoooosh! You can practically dance with your sofa! My set also came with little booties that you use on wooden or tile floors. I thought they were a joke but they're not!

Jennie said...

Wow! Remodeling and watching all my kids. You never cease to impress me. :)

Anonymous said...

Like the new are always on the move!. Nice concert last night. Xo Tricia

Michelle said...

I have been thinking about rearranging my living room ever since I read this last night!