Saturday, July 28, 2012

Xanthe's Tooth

Xanthe's teeth do not fall out.  The first two had to be yanked out by the dentist after the adult teeth had already come in behind them.  This tooth was finally forced out by the grown up tooth, although the two coexisted for quite some time.  On the bright side, she never has any cavities, because her teeth are made of granite or something.

Xanthe couldn't wait for that dollar.  With the rate she loses teeth, it's going to take her a hundred years to "save up for Paris" with tooth fairy money.  In the meantime, she can work on being adorable.  She is doing a good job of that, with the new gap in her teeth and her darling new pixie cut.  Sweet little thing!


Michelle said...


Kristi said...

That girl of yours! The note is killing me. What a sweetpea.