Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Work It

I have the worst track record for exercise.  It's bad.  It's so bad, I thought exercise was spelled with a z until just now.  I do try, though.  A couple of weeks ago, I was determined that my exerciSe efforts would go from pitiful to plentiful.  A Happiness Project tip is "always exercise on Mondays."  So Monday morning at 6:30, I put on my spandex, planning to swing by the gym.  Six o'clock that night, I was still in purple spandex, but hadn't been to the gym.  I did break a sweat though; it was hot when I was eating that package of cookies!

I made up for Monday on Tuesday.  While I still didn't get around to going to the gym, I did see so many people out running, biking and walking that I'm pretty sure I lost a pound by osmosis.  And I stayed hydrated.  I had seen another mom drop her child off at French and jog around the neighborhood for 30 minutes during the class.  I thought it was such a good idea that I wore my workout clothes to French.  But then I sat in my car reading and drinking plenty of water the whole time.  As much as I want to believe that watching others exercise can help me get in shape, I'm afraid that working out is like salvation; you have to be responsible for your own.  Bummer on both counts, because those are two things I would really like to outsource.  I think I might get better results that way.  "Circe, what are you doing today?"  "Just sitting here drinking a cuppa joe and eating a glazed donut as big as my head.  My personal trainer is taking my yoga class for me and my salvation consultant is reading scriptures with the kids and preparing my Sunday School lesson.  She thinks she can get me into the Celestial Kingdom if she ups her temple attendance."  Talk about heaven.

Wednesday, I got to the gym with Xanthe tagging along at 11:50, only to find out that the kids' club closes at noon.  There I was, 90% of the way through the effort of making it to that darn treadmill, and I had a seven-year-old in a leopard-print tutu set to destroy it all.  Since the gym is virtually abandoned at noon, with everyone else already having gotten their workout, I put Xanthe on a treadmill at .01 mile per hour and walked as fast as I could to get my workout.  When she tired of walking, I hopped on the bike and entertained Xanthe by giving her plies and tendus to do while I furiously tried to get to my mileage goal.  I did it!  Finally.

Thursday, I optimistically started the day in my exercise clothes again, so I looked very sporty driving kids around and doing dishes and laundry.  Finally, I sprinted over to the school and darted around the track a couple of times, just to make my spandex tank top feel like it had a purpose in life.  Nobody even missed me at home, and I probably burned at least two calories.  I'm counting it as a win.

Friday, I meant to go to the gym.  I really did.  Or maybe I didn't.  Who am I trying to kid?  Well, myself, obviously.  They say to do what you're good at, and I'm really good at coming up with excuses not to exercise, so at least I'm honing a skill.  I don't have a big enough window to make it to the gym.  It's too hot outside.  The kids need me.  I'd rather go to the pool.  I can't do everything on my list, so I have to cross something out.  It's too late.  It's too early.  While those things are all true at any given time, I'm still wearing my purple spandex...just so I won't have to take a shower.  You know, because I'm planning on going to the gym.  Now I'm using something that I don't do as an excuse to get out of doing something else.  Man, I'm good.

 Here's me being athletic.  That's not sweat.  The sprinklers got me on my way to the mailbox.  And as long as we're being completely honest, I only put on the workout clothes to take a picture for my blog.  Like I said, this is me.  Being athletic.


Anonymous said...

Circe, how funny!...sounds like a lot of my reasons why I cannot get motivated to just go downstairs to the pool or workout room right in my condo, I don't even have to drive to it!..But proud you have a spandex outfit, you are on the right track, you will get there, I know it, you could swim in the Spandex! the pool!..And the hike last week at Park City should count for at least a week's worth of exercise, or more!...You write the best blogs!..that should count!..XO Tricia,,Don't give up!...

Taylor Family said...

Can I copy and paste this on my blog so funny!

Nate said...

This is a funny post! You look great even if your exercise is creative:)

jenn said...

You make me laugh!

Jennie said...

I love the phone in the bra... that is so Lexie. :) I hate exercise too... but sadly, I don't have those lovely King genes. I wish you could outsource those to me. :) You look great. Flip... (don't you love my Mormon swear word?) you just had a freakin' baby. You look amazing. I'm bringing chocolate down right now! :)

Shane and Kenzie said...

You look AWESOME! You'd better not forget our little ballet/stretching class we are having this Friday at 7...then you can count that as exerciSe! :)

sws said...

I think chasing after 7 kids counts as an extreme workout. And you don't need to workout - you look great!

Michelle said...

See, this is why we have been friends so long. We hated exercise together in junior high P.E. and still do! By the way, I just finished making the cinnamon rolls for this weekend

laurel said...

At least you are thinking about it....and really what you do in your life on a daily basis burns more calories than the treadmill.

Kristi said...

You crack me up! But hey, at least you are thin even w/out working out!

Nate said...

Hi Circe, I sent info about the Chinese Society's Dragon Boat Festival on the 24th. It sounds kind of fun. I think we might go and would love to see you there if you want to come:)

Queen Elizabeth said...

Love. It. (And I hate periods in between words in a sentence but this calls for it. So. There. :)

Ben and Athena said...

This was my favorite post ever! We must be relatives because this is exactly the way I feel. Thanks Circe :)