Monday, July 16, 2012

Pick a Little Talk a Little

The quality and quantity of photos that I took this weekend is inversely proportional to the fun we had.  This is the only picture.  I think I snapped it by accident reaching for one (or five) of Tiffany's World Peace cookies.  It must have been an amazing weekend, huh?  Yes, it was.  My Shelter girls and I talked for 50 hours straight, interrupted only by a couple of hikes, a couple of meals and a concert at Deer Valley.  Actually, none of those things necessarily interrupted the discussion.  As promised, here are the random "quotes" I texted to myself so we wouldn't forget.

We're having Shelter Time Warp -Michelle
There is such a thing as too much ABBA.  -Sarah
The atonement can change history.  -Tiffany
3 cups flour, half tsp yeast, tsp salt, 1.5 cups water.  Let sit overnight.  -Tiffany. 
Who I am is why your life works.  -Jennie
Put some paint on your brush and start!  -Tiffany

How can seven old friends talk for 50 hours straight and still think of things they forgot to cover when they get home?  I don't know, but I have a list of topics for next time.  The only thing better than getting away is coming home to an immaculate house and fresh flowers on the table.  Scott is the best!


Jennie said...

Love it. Wish we were still there. :)

Michelle said...

I wish I was still there too! It was one of my best weekends ever!