Sunday, July 22, 2012

Scott v. The Swimsuit Lady

And this is why Scott is my hero.  Never mind getting me that new suit for Mothers Day, Ruby.  Dad has that covered.  I didn't even have to twist his arm to get him to go with me to the Hapari 50% off sale.  You know how Scott loves to shop.  Each swimsuit I tried on, Scott would say things like, "Wow, you're skinny!" and "You might need a smaller size," and "That one looks cute too!"  He also kept saying, "Get another one.  There will be no more blog posts about ugly swimsuits!"  Do you see what a talented shopper this guy is?!

Ruby got some good laughs posing me like her very own life-sized Barbie doll to show off my new suits. She and Scott are still laughing at the pictures, but whatever.  I have no shame.

So, here's a link for Scott  as a thank-you (courtesy of Aunt Marla) that combines some of the things Scott loves best:  Beethoven's Ninth Symphony, Europeans in nice leather shoes, flash mobs and time-wasting YouTube videos.  Every once in awhile, Scott and I get in a fight.  It's always the same fight, which we never realize until we're in the middle of it.  It goes like this:  I get overemotional.  Scott checks out.  That makes me mad.  My anger forces Scott to fall asleep.  I seethe, he snores.  The next day, everything is fine, but I'm a little peeved I had to fight the fight all by myself.

Even if Scott misses out on our fights, he is there for all the good stuff.  In fact, he makes all the good stuff happen.  Heck, he is the good stuff.  Yeah, we caved to The Swimsuit Lady's snarky comment.  But it's not about that.  It's about listening to your wife when she's irrational.  Scott may not be good at that after eleven p.m., but he sure is good at it during business hours!


Michelle said...

That Scott is such a great catch! Sounds like he got all the answers right this time around. Anyone who will tell you that you look skinny and need a size smaller has learned a thing or two. And you look terrific in them all!

jenn said...

a little off the subject, if I were to consider buying a violin from you someday what are my options? I know very little about violins but I don't think its a coincidence that Zeljko used to play and you are SOOO involved! His violin talents are the only musical abilities in our family, the kids cover my mouth or laugh at me when i sing them to sleep. But i would like to start thinking about what it would take to get him one so I can start saving.
BTW-Great choice in suits you look way cute!

Shane and Kenzie said...

What a sweet husband you have on your hands! You two are so perfect for each other. I can see where he wanted to keep buying you more suits...look how darling you are in them!

Anonymous said...

That Scott, what a guy!...I agree that you two are perfect for each other, you are so in tune and listen to each other, like the same things,go with the flow!..I could keep going, not enough room. Love the suits! look cute and had fun buying them!. XO T

Jennifer said...

You're so lucky!