Monday, August 13, 2012


Remember how we had that deal that the kid who watered the flowers didn't have to do any dishes?  Ain't nobody done nuthin' around here. 


laurel said...

Hee he hee he.....sorry didn't mean to laugh. But, I did.

Michelle said...

Oh well...

Ernstfamilyfun said...

LOL oh life. We are feeling it here too!

Anonymous said...

Too bad, they were pretty when I was there, they look like they haven't been watered since Ptolemy's birthday when Alex was there, he had better come next summer and be your waterer (not sure that is a word, oh well!.) XO Lincoln could be his helper, they would love that, then you could have two more!..or you could send your seven to Miami!...there is a thought and you too, the beach is here right outside my window!..XO Tricia

Marilyn said...

The ONLY reason why my flowers survive is because it rains here! Are the dishes getting done?