Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Shark Attack

Ari has been taking a fun art class from a very talented neighbor of ours.  Today was the last of the six sessions that it took to make their fish masterpieces.  It's quite a detailed process!  Ellison's sting ray and Henry's killer whale turned out darling.  Ari's pufferfish, however, came home with a mortal wound in its side and blood dripping out of its mouth. 

Her explanation was that a shark attacked it, and that next year she will make a shark in the class.  That way, when she displays the pufferfish and the shark together, the blood will make sense.  You know I'm blaming this on Shark Week, right?  My kids are enthralled.  I understand the fascination, of course.  I have had an interest in sharks ever since I was two and my parents thought it was cute to teach me the scientific names of sharks.  Two year olds who talk about "Carcharidan carcharius, the Great White Shark" might be more creepy than the actual maritime are kids who make models of fish who have been attacked by sharks.  Hey, at least she didn't make a seafaring sponge.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a cute idea!..and fun class. All of the fish turned out great, you will have to let me know how they made them. Tell them great job!...XO Tricia