Friday, August 31, 2012

Darling Tziporah

Want to see her crawl?  She is adorable.  I just love this little thing.  Today at the pool she ate her first Oreo and she was covered with brown goop.  It just made her more irresistible.  Can you believe we got this lucky, this blessed to have such a sweet baby girl?  It is incredible how our Father in Heaven puts these unspeakably precious spirits in these fragile, helpless little bodies.  It's a miraculous and mind-boggling plan, of which we can only hope to comprehend a tiny fraction.  God is good, and full of love and mercy.  You know it just by looking into these innocent blue eyes. He loves this little soul.  He loves us all, even those of us who wear green pants and (inexplicably) our wife's Birkenstocks in the background of cute baby pictures.


Michelle said...

You must stop her! She has to stay just like she is! I remember how Tolly was little like this just yesterday and now look at him! Seriously, I am so grateful you have her for us all to enjoy!

laurel said...

she is a doll! I love your new header.

The Brown Family said...

I like the green pants. I was just admiring them in the family pic above- you all look great, by the way, and I agree- great place to photograph!

Beautiful baby! She's just what I thought my kids would look like- but they look a lot like their dad (bio) and really not like me at all (chinese).


Nate said...

She is SO beautiful! The birkenstocks made me laugh:)

Ernstfamilyfun said...

I know just how you feel. I look at Gabe and just feel overwhelmed with love and gratitude at how precious and perfect babies are.