Friday, January 4, 2013

Deming Has Been Adopted

Update: Deming has been matched with a loving family. Thank you to everyone who has spread the word. Almost 12,000 have viewed his info. This is due to YOUR efforts to help us find him a home asap! Also a great tidbit of news: the Adoption Tax Credit was included in the congressional budget that was passed last night!! It is a permanent tax credit!

Just thought those of you who offered to adopt him would be interested!  I read something from the adoptive mother yesterday, but I can't remember where.  Turns out, the family is friends with our good friends Tima nd Courtney, whom we traveled to China with.  Sounds like it was yet another one of those meant-to-be-divine-intervention adoption stories.  Another confirmation that Heavenly Father knows us and knows our families.


Nate said...

So happy for him and for his new family.

Anonymous said...

Our prayers were answered. So glad to hear of Deming's adoption. May our Heavenly Father continue to bless this new Family. Heavenly Father hears and answers our prayers, He knows our needs and desires and He knows each of us individually. It is my testimony each child adopted is placed in the home Heavenly Father selected and He placed them where they were meant to be. xo

Anonymous said...

Forgot to sign my name, Love Tricia, !...such an emotional story!. Heavenly Father does indeed know each of us personally and knows where each of us belong..xo

love.boxes said...

This makes me so happy. This little guy's face is unforgetable and I know that he is going to make someone's family so happy. I'm sorry if my posting on FB made someone nasty come for a visit. I'm not too discriminating when it comes to FB friends and I should have thought of that before I posted. Anyway, hoping that nastiness didn't come from my side of FB. There should be no bad kharma in the fact the Deming has found a home. <3