Saturday, January 19, 2013

Sign Up for Golda's Drama Camp!

What are your kids going to do over their four-day weekend? Here is an activity that will keep them active, excited and entertained! We will learn all the aspects of stage productions, including singing, dancing, acting and what goes on behind the scenes! The camp will run BOTH Monday and Tuesday from 10:00 to 11:30 BOTH days.

Tuition is only $10.00 for both days, or $15.00 total for two siblings. It is open to ages 4 to 10. Please feel free to invite your friends. We are going to have so much fun!


laurel said...

She is gorgeous! I have had one computer problem after another. I am finally back! Ive missed your blog.

Anonymous said...

Good luck on your camp Golda, you are ambitious! I know it will be a success. Post some pictures when it is finished..Proud of you, Good luck and enjoy. Are there any Rose Bowl pictures coming, so proud of Golda and DHS. Love to all. xoTricia

Catherine said...

What fun!! Someday when we're in town I'll sign Hannah up for one of Golda's camps as she's almost 4. I know she'd have a great time!!