Saturday, July 19, 2014

Bear Lake...But Not Teddy Bears

 Bear Lake.  It's only two hours away from Kaysville, and this is the view on the way up!  Tell me again why we don't go there more often?

 When we got to the summit and stopped for the breathtaking views, a big group of Harley riders was there.  I said, to Victor, "Let's take a picture of you with those guys and tell your dad you went to ride motorcycles."  The Hell's Angels were more than happy to oblige, even suggesting different poses.  I have seriously never met one of these biker dudes who didn't shatter the stereotype; unless the stereotype is a teddy bear of a guy under the tough, leather-and-metal facade.  And what's more American than Harley-Davidson?
 Spot the hummingbirds!  I only see one in this picture, but I could have sworn I was taking a picture of three.
 Last time we visited this beach, we were literally the only people there.  Granted, it was raining, like most Bear Lake regulars probably knew it would be.  This time, the beach was packed with people, cars lined up along the water, side by side for miles.  We chose a random spot and nestled in...right next to our friends and neighbors, the Ericksons!  We could not have planned that so perfectly if we had tried.
 Jacy Erickson and me, carpoolers extraordinaire.  We shared orchestra duties last year, and we're slated to tag team to ballroom this year.  I love having Jacy's family in our sphere.  They are fun, kind and ready for adventure!  They even let us borrow their mayo for our lunch.  Thanks!  :)

 Rented a paddleboard right down the road, and it was a big hit.  Golda said Bear Lake was even "funner" than the California beaches, citing the calm, shallow water and the proximity to home to support her argument.  Indeed, she has a point.  The kids could wade out forever in the water, and we pulled our car right up to the lake.  It was so easy!  And the scenery is too much beauty to take in.  The lake changes color with the sky, lighting up to a bright azure whenever the sun comes out.  But I don't need to tell most of you this!  Everyone goes to Bear Lake.  We're just late to the party!   (Scott had to stay home to go to the office.  We miss him when he's not there, and we're guiltily thankful he works so hard for us.  And Xanthe?  It's Russian Roulette every time we get in the car.  We can't fit everyone, so we choose someone to leave out.  Xanthe stayed home this time for a "special art day" with Coco and Esmae.  Perfect!

 I started thinking maybe we need a rack for our car and stuff to put in the racks and places to store the stuff, and a boat maybe, and a trailer to haul things.  Maybe Scott and I aren't ready for that kind of responsibility.  But look how cool that paddleboard looks on top of the car!

 Ptolemy not only had to bring his bears and dogs, but we also had to do a photo shoot with them enjoying the beach.  Tolly said, "I wish this lake was a REAL bear lake, made out of just bears.  REAL bears.  REAL teddy bears instead of water."  Now that would be incredible!  Swimming through a sea of teddy bears, though?

 Another fun surprise, we ran into the Gnehms, both "Little Sister Gnehm" and "Big Sister Gnehm," mother and daugther-in-law who are our girls' leaders in Young Womens.  They just missed the Ericksons, darnit!
 Victor is so nice to Tizzy, I think she's a bit smitten.  He patiently dug a very big hole with her, and showed her pictures on his phone.
 Tolly declared himself the Drink Guy.  We had to ask permission before we got a drink out of the cooler.  Speaking of the cooler, I think we've eaten most of our meals out of it the past few weeks!

 Right after I asked Tizzy if she had seen the Bear Lake Monster.
 My friend Brianna kindly offered to take us for a ride on their pontoon boat.  We met her and Bill at the marina, where Bill had a life jacket waiting for Carlos, Ptolemy's dog. Safety first!

 Tziporah took us on a nice ride around the lake.

 Freestone glared at me every time I took a picture!

 See Freestone, all you have to do is pose for a minute!  It's painless!

 Brianna and I have been friends since she was 5 and I was 7.  We started violin lessons together.  We played in Utah Youth Symphony together every Saturday at 7 am for years.  We have stories to tell, most of which...may never be told.  :)

This is the way to do summer.  We were so lucky to have Bill and Brianna take us out on their boat.  As fun as the beach was, the boat was the highlight!

After our 7 pm boat ride, do you think I was about to take the kids home?  No!  We hadn't had a famous Bear Lake raspberry shake yet.  The Gnehms had recommended Glady's, but we were already past that and opted for La Beau's Too in Garden City.  Again, everyone has been there.  In fact, everyone WAS there, including our very own FIFES!  Lucky, lucky, lucky us!  The universe was on our side with friend sightings.  As we chowed down on tater tots, french fries, onion rings, corn dogs AND raspberry shakes, Victor asked, "Is there any American food that is healthy?"  We all thought about it and had to admit:  "No.  There is not.  Now, can we talk about fry sauce?"  Want to hear something amazing?  They have fry sauce in Badajoz!  They call it pink sauce.  I thought it was a Utah thing!  I know they don't dip everything in it in other parts of the U. S.!

We have GOT to get Victor some veggies.  Our diet is humiliating.  But first...La Beau's!!

The drive home started late and ended later, but it was worth every mile, every smile and every ray of sun on that turquoise water.


Anonymous said...

All I can say after reading and viewing the pictures of this wonderful, fun blog is "I want to go on your road-trippin!" adventures. So fun, great pictures. Bear Lake is beautiful and the ride awesome and raspberry shakes to kill for! I cannot believe how many people you ran into!, fun. The bikers and boat ride were an added fun adventure...glad you had an awesome time...I want to go! xo Tricia

Lisa and Tate said...

We just got back from spending 3 days at the KOA. LOVE IT!!! I grew up spending a week at Bear Lake each year. A tradition I am hoping to have with Tate. This year we went to Pickleville Theater and saw Juanito Bandito. Well worth the time and money. Love that Bear Lake can be so close and so much fun!

Jennifer said...

You are the most fun mom around!

Jacy said...

LOVED seeing you guys there!! and let me know when your next trip up is .... we'll tag along!! :)