Monday, July 14, 2014

Zoning Out

 This morning Coco was on teen duty, dropping off Golda, Victor and Ruby at Oakridge to swim after the girls had done their lawn mowing gig.  The three of them had lunch at the country club, them went for a swim.  I was otherwise engaged, at the dentist with Ptolemy.  I feel like a terrible parent when I tell you this, but he had to have some major work done, including but certainly not limited to a baby root canal.  It was brutal.  I was holding him as the anesthesiologist poked him in the arm with a "dis-associative" medication.  The doc and I were chatting animatedly about violin making, so he failed to warn me that Ptolemy would look and act like a dead sea lion five minutes after being sedated.  I looked down and my baby was limp, drooling, and had his eyes open.  Open!  But he wasn't there.  Trying not to sound like a verbal volcano, boiling over with molten lava, I said, "Uuuuuuuhhhh, is this normal?????"  And I said it with five question marks, too.

"Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you about that."  Yes, it is normal for the sedative to make kids look like they've checked out of their body.  The doc took Ptolemy and carried him back for his big day, which he had honestly been excited about until the shot in the arm.  Little did he know that his day was about to take a turn for the ugly.
Waking up from anesthesia, he could NOT get the popsicle to his mouth.  And he definitely wasn't going to the lake with the rest of the Dopps to celebrate July birthdays.  Scott had to stay home and keep the poor guy stocked up on popsicles.  He was pretty miserable.
When I showed Bam this picture of Ptolemy eating a popsicle, he said incredulously, "In the house!?!  He's not really eating it, is he?"  I'm taking it popsicles are outside food at Jeff and Richelle's?  Hee hee
 On the bright side, the rest of us spent the evening zoning out in a completely different way:  paddleboarding around Willard Bay as the 100 degree temperatures cooled down into a nice, overcast night.

 Landon, alias Bam Bam, Austin, Tyler, Tanner, Freestone, Jake, Britton and Chase.  If the boys aren't playing video games, they're turning real life into one.  There were paddle board wars tonight, with rules regular humans will never understand.  Just go with it.
 What a gentleman!

 This.  Is a classic!
 Britton and Bam Bam!
 Where's the like button for this picture?  Or better yet, the love button.  Golda.  I love that girl!
 And all of these girls, and their "brother," Victor.

 When we got home, Ptolemy woke up and sobbed, "I was the only kid here!"  He was brokenhearted!  I had planned to save the gifts the family had given him, for his party on Wednesday.  But he was so destroyed over being "the only kid here" that I gave him the gifts to cheer him up.  He was still groggy, though, and couldn't eat anything.  In fact, he was exhausted after opening his presents.  The lake would have been a disaster for this kid.  I'm so glad Scott could stay with him.  He is much more nurturing than I am.


Jennie said...

Once again, I'm behind. Great posts. I love hearing your memories and stories of long ago. Bill sounded like an incredible grandfather. Tizzy, and the bottle. I'm sorry. That is rough. It reminded me of Collin and the binky. I finally cut the nipple. When he went to use it, he declared, "It's broken!" He then had to throw it away. When he cried that night, I had to remind him that he threw it away, it was broken. I think it took 2-3 nights and we were cured. That 2nd day, I called Jenny Neeley (she gave me the trick) and whined that it wasn't working. She kept me strong. You can do it! :) :) Loved last night. I'm so glad you captured the pic of Marlene and Nik. That was awesome. Give Tolly a hug for us. That is horrible. Poor kid!

Jacy said...

Golda is a sweetie!! She let me braid her hair at girls camp!!

Jacy said...

oh ... and Lyla had to have a fully sedated baby root canal too ... so no judgements here!! :)