Friday, July 18, 2014

Birthtwo-day. It's a New Thing.

 One day for a birthday isn't quite enough, so we had two.  Day One started out at Jeff and Richelle's house where we actually celebrated Chase's birthday with this giant waterslide.  Richelle was a genius.  She rented the slide, then staggered the different friend groups.  She had three two-hour parties.  No long lines, but I bet she was tired!  It was also Victor's sister Sofia's birthday, so we thought about her too, as we celebrated.  She turned 13.  Happy birthday, Sofia!

 From the party, we camped out at Cherry Hill, which prompted Victor to ask, "Do you always do this much, or is it because I am here?"  Hmmm...both?  Gotta keep moving with 7 kids!

 At 5:00, lots of our favorite people gathered at a shady spot near the Dragon slides for a birthday party!  Ptolemy had wanted a car cake, and I felt a twinge of guilt that all I came up with was six dozen day-old cupcakes.  But look at that face!  Could he have been any more excited?  Six weeks from now, I predict that he will burst into tears and cry, "I wanted a car cake!"
 My favorite child. (Besides the others.)

 My favorite friend (besides the others!)  I love how Ari and Ellison are peeking out in this picture, and little Annie is posing with her Barbie.
 The weather was mild and breezy, the company was great!

 Right, boys?
 More of my favorite people!

 The wind kicked up especially for the candle lighting part of the party, but Ptolemy blew anyway.
 And Annie got a new swimsuit!  :)
 This is Freestone's Monopoly card game.  I read the instructions and went into a little coma for a minute.  The kids, on the other hand, seemed to have no trouble figuring it out instantaneously.

 "No!  I'm not tired!"
 Doesn't your heart just melt!?
 Brianna, Mom and Nikki
 This is Jennie when she looks "bad."  Riiiight!  And Ari and Jen.
 Micaela and Emily:  heart to heart discussion.
 When I say we camped, we really did.  The party was so relaxing, we didn't get our tents set up until 9 or so.  It was easy, though.  We didn't even stake them in the ground.  Cherry Hill is my kind of camping!  Complete with wifi, too!  How nice is it at the end of the day to scroll through Instagram?  The only downside:  mosquitoes.  They love Facebook.
 Jake, Freestone and Xanthe were still out roaming at 11:10.  I found them at the maze, where they had almost gotten locked in.  They were in the maze playing Monopoly when the lights went off!  They found their way out just as the guy was locking the gate.  Every kid's dream!
 We slept remarkably well and woke up to a beautiful morning.  I might like camping!

 It was Ptolemy's real birthday!

 Tricia and Jim brought breakfast from McDonald's.  Thank you!  That was the perfect thing.
 All day long, we rock climbed, waterslid(ed?), floated and snacked in the shade, until it was time to go home and regroup.  The kids petered out on me!  They needed a break from the sun.  Air conditioning and Disney Channel.  AAAaaahhh!

 Bill and Coco offered to take Ptolemy anywhere he wanted to go for his birthday, and he chose Yogo Togo!  Those toppings did not disappoint!

 Scott had a fun night planned for the teens.  He took them to Red Iguana for a taste of real Mexican food, then walked around City Creek.

 They enjoyed an open-air concert at the Twilight Concert Series.  The band was "TV on the Radio."  Not great, but still a fun night!

The rest of us went to a movie, which turned out to be Rio 2, because the kids saved spots in the wrong theater.  Ugh!  I wanted to see Heaven is for Real, but it was full by then.  Ari did sneak in and get a spot in Heaven (ha ha).  I asked Ptolemy, "NOW what do you want to do for your birthday!?"  He said, "It's STILL my birthday?"  He wanted to get a half-price shake at Dylan's.  By the time we did that, my poor little guy was about out of gas.  He is still not up to par from his tooth thing, and he was hurting.  Look how hard he tried to smile, though.  It was a fun birthday. 
 Oh, Ptolemy!  What a noble spirit you are, what a beautiful, strong boy.  We love you!


Anonymous said...

Love this blog, what a fun couple of days for Ptolemy's birthday. We had fun sharing in it, thanks for inviting us...being at Cherry Hills always brings good memories and brings back memories of camping when Sarah was young, good times always at Cherry Hills! What a cutie that Tolly is (along with all the others). Fun pictures of everyone. Happy Birthday Tolly!

Jennie said...

What a fun couple of days. I laughed at the comment From Victor about doing so much. No... this is the real deal. You guys lead fun and full lives and there is hardly a minute of down time. But, as my BIL, Steve, says, "This is life, not a dress rehearsal." You just have to live, and that you do! Oh and my pic. I told ya. Horrid. Pasty white, washed out, frump. :) Blah. In the next life I'm going to choose olive skin. :)