Tuesday, November 11, 2014

A Thank You

Today I just wanted to let you all know that I'm grateful for you.  I love to write things here on the blog.  I wish I had time to hone my writing and make it better, or to think through ideas or to develop stories.

Ultimately, this blog is the story of why I don't have that time.

An acquaintance recently reintroduced herself to me as someone who reads my blog (Hi Courtney!), and I was thrilled for the new friendship and gratified to know that she would take the time to let me know she's reading.  I also love it when people I don't necessarily know personally comment and share their thoughts.  (Hi Bethany!)  And it's so fun in real life when someone tells me I was funny or interesting on the blog (I'm talking to you, Uncle Mark!  Aunt Marla!  Aunt Rita!  Bruce and Marlene!!)

So thank you to everyone who stops by the blog to read or comment or check to see if I have come up with anything new.  I love you for coming, and I love that you're here.  I'll try to gather a thought or two now and then, and to cobble together something worthwhile.  Until then, here are some pictures of kids I love doing things I love, an orange poinsettia that is making me inordinately happy, and a shot of my living room after Golda and I rearranged the furniture last night at 10:30.  It's all I got.

This and my gratitude for everyone who stopped by today. :)


Michelle said...

And I am so glad you write your blog! It so often brightens my day!

Ernstfamilyfun said...

And I'm grateful for your blog! I love it! I check it everyday! You are such a talented writer and in inspiration to us all:)

Jennifer said...

I love to read your blog! It's yet another talent of yours I find amazing. :) I agree, that poinsettia is awesome.